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April 23rd

SHOW: Local Laughs 7-8:40p


Headliner: Ladies of the Unknown

Feature: Nerd Lenz

Opener: Irish Springs Eternal

SHOW: Late Night Local Laughs 9-10:40p


Headliner: Rat People

Guest: Popcorn

Feature: Organic Panic

Opener: The Safeword is Martha Stewart

April 24th

SHOW: The ComedyWorx Conservatory 6-8:00p


​The ComedyWorx Conservatory is our premier youth program. Four different teams, featuring both shortform and longform improv, will entertain and delight with the out-of-the-box thinking that children and teens excel at.

SHOW: Comedy Game Show 8:30-10p


Join us for a special Dogwood Comedy Festival version of The Comedy Game Show! If you blended Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show with the Price is Right and threw in a sprinkling of David Lynch's weirdness, you’d get something that resembles the Comedy Game Show! It features top local comedians not only performing stellar stand-up, but battling it out in such notable games as “Press Your Duck,” “Mitten Cups,” “Bad Actors Studio,” and the “Staircase Showdown.”

April 25th

SHOW: Friday Night Laughs 8-9:40p


Headliner: Mavis Beacon

Feature: Mmm Hmm

Guest: Still Life

Opener: Mom's Adhesive

SHOW: Late Night Laughs 10-11:40p


Headliner: Newt Work

Feature: The Beavers

Guest: Man Candy

Opener: Bianchi & Byland

April 26th

WORKSHOP: Monologue Deconstruction 10a-12:30p


Bianca Casusol, our featured workshop instructor for the 2025 Dogwood Comedy Festival, started her improv journey at The Magnet (Armando Diaz's theater), and ultimately spent years in the cast of the Armando Diaz Experience. This workshop is a deep dive into tips and tricks for that specific form, based on Bianca's years of experience in the ultimate Armando-style show and theater. This workshop is appropriate for improvisers who have more than a beginner's level of longform improv experience and will focus on the Armando style of longform improv.

WORKSHOP: Surprise Party 1:30-4p


Surprise Party is an open skill level workshop focusing on practical tips and tricks to take yourself to new and surprising places in your scenework. Scene work stale? In a character rut? We'll use our minds and bodies to play and find fun gifts to surprise ourselves and our scene partners with. We'll rediscover how joyful improv can be when there's no "right" answer. A mix of scene work and individual character exercises will leave you with the tools to create memorable and unique characters with distinct perspectives. This workshop is appropriate for improvisers who have taken at least one intro-level improv class, whether at ComedyWorx or elsewhere.

SHOW: Dogwood Comedy Festival's

Improv Jam 4-5:40p


It's an improv Jam, hosted by Newt Work Comedy! Come see some fabulous improvisers create fun new realities. Or join them on stage yourself - we welcome audience participation at our jams! When else will you get the chance to perform with such amazing improvisers? Don't miss the fun!

SHOW: Dogwood Comedy Festival's

Capital City Culture Club 6-7:40p


Join us for a very special edition of Capital City Culture Club, featuring improvisers from multiple teams. Special guest monologist Bianca Casusol will regale the audience with short stories. The players will then bring the short stories to life in unique, heartfelt, and hilarious ways!

SHOW: Saturday Sillies 8-9:40p


Headliner: That Thing You Pull When You Want to Stop

Feature: Now Are the Foxes

Guest: Momentary Hedonism

Opener: SuiteTooth

SHOW: Last Night Laughs 10-11:40p


Headliner: Blue Text Bubbles

Feature: BABE

Guest: Teen Angst

Opener: Middle Rage

April 27th

WORKSHOP: It's Us in the End 10a-1p


If this was the last hour on earth, what would your character choose to do? This workshop-to-show focuses on grounded character work. With no time jumps or tag outs, the show format encourages us to explore a shared world where our characters make discoveries before we say goodbye to them together. All of our characters die at the end of every show, so let's honor that and explore that together! This workshop is appropriate for improvisers who have at least some longform improv experience and will involve performing in a show later the same day.

WORKSHOP: Make It Matter 2-4p


Make It Matter is a longform improv-specific workshop focusing on longevity in scene work. This workshop will focus on finding anchors in our scenework to help us dive deeper into a character's point of view and build characters with texture that we can explore and play with for longer scenes. We'll focus on "yes and-ing" our own choices, and delving deeper and finding the beauty in even the "smaller" details and choices we make in our scenes. This workshop focuses on longform improv and is appropriate for improvisers who have taken at least one longform improv-specific intro course, whether at ComedyWorx or elsewhere.

SHOW: The Last Laugh 5-7p


Headliner: Vatican City Navy

Feature: Diabolical Fishbank

Guest: Higher Education

Opener: Dome

Special Event: It's Us in the End

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